Florida Congresswoman Kathleen Harris recently told the Florida Baptist Witness that – 1) separation of church, state is “a lie”, 2) God and America's founding fathers did not intend the country to be "a nation of secular laws", and 3) "only Christians should be elected to public office in the USA". For some reason, there was quite a hullabaloo. The loudest outcry came from Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, a Florida Democrat who is Jewish, she told the Orlando Sentinel that she was "disgusted" by Harris's comments.
The Atheologist is having a hard time understanding why some Jews would have a problem with Ms. Harris’ pro-Christian comments. Could it be possible that this is a form of anti-Christianism? Isn't it the Christians who always remind everyone that an atheist should not "be considered as citizens", and therefore never be elected to public office. Wasn’t it the Christians who fought to have “In God We Trust”, printed on our currency and stamped on our coins? Wasn’t it the Christians who had the words, “under God”, inserted into the pledge of allegiance? And isn’t it the Christians who are trying to have this country return to its Judeo-Christian roots by having for example - the ten commandments displayed in every public space possible? “What part of Judeo- Christian”, are these Jews not seeing? And come to think of it, didn’t God hand off the ten commandments to Moses, who happened to be Jewish himself?
I mean is the Atheologist the only one who thinks that it is possible Ms. Wasserman Schultz is overreacting just a bit and maybe guily of being a little too pro-Semitic? The Jews have the honor of being God’s chosen people. As far as the Atheologist knows, they have more holidays than any other religion on earth. And we all know that everyone likes a good bagel. Isn’t that enough for them? That is only one of the Atheologist's many Jewish questions.
P.S. Here's just one example of the many unselfish good deeds that Christians have done for the Jewish people.
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