The other day the Atheologist was walking up one of the stairwells at his place of employment, when out of the corner of his eye he spotted something. There lying on the landing floor was a very familiar image, it was the likeness of Jesus fashioned from
paint chips which had fallen off the stairwell wall. To the unimaginative or mentally stable person, they were simply paint chips arranged in a random design. But to the Atheologist it was a holy vision. Just look at his smile, it’s no wonder he’s known as
‘the light of the world’!

Now many atheists would question why God would do such a thing – tip to atheists; don’t question God,
he doesn’t like it!
As far as the Atheologist can tell, this is the first time our Lord has shown himself using paint chips as his media. There have been
numerous occasions when Jesus, Mary and other religious celebrities have shown themselves in
grilled cheese sandwiches,
wood panels and even
Cheetos, but never out of peeling paint.

Should anyone wish to view this miraculous icon, please contact the Atheologist who, (for a paltry $50.00 tour fee), will escort a limited number of pilgrims to this secret site. Those pilgrims of
Mexican descent may bring a bottle of
Tezon Blanco Tequila in lieu of the aforementioned charge. (That stuff is amazing and will aid the Atheologist in his quest for similar religious iconic experiences).
But please hurry before the maintenance crew sweeps the stairwell.
The Atheologist
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