A good example of why he and the Westboro Baptist Church have such a good reputation can be seen in a fairly recent event. The Westboro Baptist Church has been informing the world that Pope John Paul II had been doing the work of his father the devil, and that Pope John went straight to hell when he died on April 2nd of last year. There is now some evidence that not only may that be the case, but that the new Pope may in fact be the devil, (previous statements by Pope John Paul II about President Bush being the Antichrist, may have just been a smokescreen.) An Associated Press photograph of Pope Benedict XVI, which appeared in some newspapers on April 22nd of last year shows what appears to be horns poking out of his head. The Atheologist emailed the photo to Pastor Fred, he had this to say about it,

"Like 'My Favorite Martian', whose antennae makes appearances at inconvenient times so do the Pope's horns. This is not an illusion and IFred went on to tell me that except for the occasional altar boy mishap, there hasn’t been much going on in the Catholic Church and he added that,didn’t need to see this photograph to confirm what I have been saying all along. Will this wake up the roughly one billion hell bound members of the Church Of The Holy Pedophiles? I doubt it. Even his name, “Benedict”, was changed from, “Beelzebub”, because some Catholics, even though most of them are as dumb as string cheese, would have figured it out."
"The Mary worshiping idolatrous morons haven’t participated in any recent holocausts, crusades or heretic burnings, but that may all change now that The Prince of Darkness is in charge. This is a good thing, because it means that we are nearing the end times and final judgment day, a wonderful, happy and joyous time when most of the world will be sent to burn in hell for all eternity!"Thank you once again, Pastor Fred, for your insight.
The Atheologist
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