Note that the banana, (the Atheists' nightmare);
Is shaped for human hand.
Has non-slip surface.
Has outward indicators of inward content;
Green-too early,
Yellow-just right,
Black-too late.
Has a tab for removal of wrapper...contents don't squirt in your face.
Is perforated on wrapper.
Has a bio-degradable wrapper.
Has a point at top for ease of entry.
Is pleasing to taste buds .
Is shaped for human mouth.
Is curved towards the face to make eating process easy.
Although quite persuasive, the video has inadvertently awoken some latent homosexual feelings in many, mainly young, Christian men. Many ex-gay Christian ministries, such as Love In Action and Exodus International have reported a large increase in the number of inquiries and requests for help by these men and their new found gayness.
The entire video can be seen here, with the banana segment starting at approximately three and a half minutes into it or here for the banana segment alone. (The Atheologist isn’t sure but it looks like Kirk is more turned on by Ray's banana than by Jesus.)
A suggestion to Kirk and Ray from the Atheologist: Next time use a pomegranate instead of a banana. Pomegranates, unlike bananas are not sexy fruits and they are often mentioned in the Bible.
Now the Atheologist needs to go take a cold shower.
The Atheologist
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